Social media marketing

Why does your company need to be on social media?

Nowadays social media is an essential part of popularizing your business. In some industries it is even more important than traditional marketing practices. And though running your social media channels may look easy, it actually takes a lot of time, energy and a wide variety of skills and knowledge.

Our team knows what users like, as well as what works best for algorithms. Managing complex admin panels is part of our everyday routine and we never stop reading up on current developments, so we always stay up-to-date with all new technology, trends, and audience tastes. We can help you choose where to concentrate your resources and efforts. We will plan your online content and target advertisements precisely, so you can reach your target customers and create rapport. Let us help you achieve your goals with the help of social media.

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What are the benefits of social media?

Better online presence

Social media marketing constantly changes and adapts to the needs of clients. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok can dynamically increase the presence and engagement with your business.

Improved visibility

The social presence of your business is important for search engines like Google and Bing. Sharing content from your website on social media platforms can generate traffic to your website, while indicating to search engines that your content is high quality. This will help improve your SERP placement and online visibility.

Precise targeting

Even the greatest content is not effective, unless it is aimed at the right audience. Social media marketing allows you to precisely target your campaigns through various demographic criteria. We will analyze your company profile and help you attract your target audience.

Larger audience

Many consumers find the products or services they need through social media. With a great social media strategy, your brand will receive the attention it deserves.


Improving your channel

We start by updating your pages with brand new designs, in order to present your business in the best possible way. Then we will start by increasing your audience – your potential new customers.

Engaging your audience

We continue by creating quality content, which aims to engage your audience and inspire trust in your brand. We schedule posts to appear at the exact moment when they will achieve best results. We will organize fun games, in order to increase engagement and attract new customers.

Analysis and improvement

We conduct monthly analyses for our clients, which inform continuous strategy improvement.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Should my business be present on all social media channels?

While being present on social media is essential, having many channels, which are not updated regularly, is far from optimal. In fact, instead of increasing trust in your brand, it may have just the opposite effect, leading customers to question whether your business is trustworthy, or even if it is still working. Therefore, if you don’t have the resources to support many channels, it is better to focus all your efforts and resources into one or two of them.

What is the best social media for my business?

The answer to this question depends on your business, and your audience. For example, if you run a custom-made jewelry shop, an image-centric platform, such as Instagram, may be best for you. If you offer business consultations, LinkedIn might be much more appropriate for you. Another important aspect to consider is your audience, their habits and preferences.

Can I measure the success of my business's social media presence?

Yes. In fact, social media platforms provide some of the most precise tools for important metrics, such as engagement, reach, return on ad spend, etc.

What type of content should my business be sharing on social media?

This depends on your brand voice, the industry where you operate, and most of all – your audience and the way they communicate. For example, if your brand is aimed at a younger audience, you may opt for content, which is fun and humorous. On the other hand, if you offer services for business people, informative and useful posts may be best for you.

Can I increase my sales using social media?

Definitely! Depending on the type of products you offer, there are several ways in which you can improve your bottom line. Some of these include acquiring new customers, making direct sales through the social media platforms, getting more leads or improving your brand visibility within local communities.

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In the last few years, social media has become an integral part of our day-to-day lives. Just a few decades ago, cafés, restaurants and other public places where the to-go solutions to make new friends, or reconnect with old colleagues. In the very present day, however, the interactions in such venues are merely a consequence of an acquaintance or a quick online chat after a Facebook friend request.

The means of social interaction have changed. And for businesses this means that they have to be where their clients are and more importantly, to speak their language. And today’s customers are not only online, but communicate predominantly via their smartphones.

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is like a rock concert – you (the business) are the center of attention, and the numerous audience (the clients) is right in front of the performer. There are even people outside the stadium who know about the performer and are listening for free. The goal of the artist is to play their best works, to be the best in the eyes of his fans, and to make those who are listening outside regret not buying a ticket.

Social network marketing is a powerful weapon for attracting and retaining customers and followers, because as with any other community, in online circles you can control people’s attitudes.

Facebook – The Holy Grail of social media

Facebook is the world’s biggest social network, which has proven its leadership not only because it has enabled users to share everything that happens in their lives, but also because it has created a favorable environment for business growth. Thanks to Facebook new companies can build their reputation and brand, at a level that can rival those of the largest modern companies.

Facebook has over billion daily active users. 72% of them are adults willing to shop online. It appears Facebook has infinite potential, right?

However, things aren’t that easy. If you want to extend your online presence to Facebook and you’re not running a business for mass market products (like Coca Cola, for instance), then your target audience will be far less than a billion users. Moreover, only 5% of your Facebook fans can see your posts in their news feed.

All in all, Facebook is not a cash cow for e-businesses, but simply a social media where everyone can share what they want. This doesn’t mean it’s not an appealing market for online advertisers, though.

Facebook Marketing is based on a few very basic rules:

Twitter – size does not really matter

Even if it’s a smaller social network, Twitter brought a cultural revolution to the world. It turns out that for many online users out there, the 140 character tweets are more attractive than the long Facebook statuses. This is more than just a favorable opportunity for businesses, because there is nothing better than a short and clear marketing message. Just imagine what you can achieve with a message of 140 characters able to reach millions of users around the world.

It is important to note that your Twitter activity will have even more impact when it is skillfully combined with the power of Facebook.  This way you can easily get a return on investment as soon as possible.

Instagram – Facebook’s adopted child

Only in 5 years, from merely a photo app, Instagram became the global leader in photo sharing, surpassing rivals such as Twitter, Flickr and 500px. What makes Instagram so valuable to consumers and businesses alike is that it made sharing images online significantly easier. Actually, it made it so easy, that Instagram even got integrated with other social platforms.

But how can businesses use Instagram to fulfill their needs? Every Instagram user would spend hours at a time looking at beautiful photos. Imagine each one of those pictures carrying the message of your brand. Thus, Instagram images become a great advantage, especially when some of the most famous Instagram bloggers advertise your product.

And here are the most important rules to follow for a successful marketing campaign on Instagram:

Google+ – the brave lone warrior

When it comes to innovation, Google, Microsoft and Apple are among the world’s biggest leaders. But no matter how successful a global company is, its influence never extends to all areas of the life of its customers. MacOS is among the operating systems with the lowest global market share; Windows Phone is like an alien among mobile users] and Google+ will never become the new Facebook.

But no matter how empty Google+ might look, it has a very important advantage compared to other social networks, which is: if your business is on Google’s social network, then you can expect ranking at least several positions before your competition in the search results of the giant.

Although being relatively unsuccessful among mainstream users, Google+ is one of the best moves by the Mountain View company. Google has provided businesses the opportunity to use the resources that can actually help them rank better absolutely for free. This model will continue to evolve because the fight for the coveted first place in the SERP results won’t stop.

Here are some tips when it comes to working with Google+:

Do we need to combine different social networks in our online marketing effort?

Absolutely! After thoroughly researching what social media your clients use, your activities in each of them must be carefully planned and carried out in sync. You must strive to successfully prompt your Twitter followers to take action on your Facebook page, or to engage them through your Instagram photos, for example.

What can you expect from social networks in 2016?

Social networks will be among the fastest growing online areas in 2016. Here are the main things that we expect to occur this year.