Tendrik E-commerce Checklist 2020: TOP 5 most useful things
The emergency caused by the Coronavirus pandemic has clearly shown the need for businesses to operate online. Those who were prepared were able to adapt
Web development
Marketing and Advertising
Branding and Strategy
The emergency caused by the Coronavirus pandemic has clearly shown the need for businesses to operate online. Those who were prepared were able to adapt
The 2018 was extremely interesting and successful for our team. We worked with many large customers, won several awards and achieved excellent results for the
Undoubtedly, one of the most competitive businesses in the field of e-commerce is selling clothes. However, this does not mean that good results cannot be
What we did in 2018 and continue to do for Fragrances.bg? First, we started by building a complete digital strategy, divided into two parts. These
What actions have we taken to reach maximum number of users and exhibitors? We have created a whole new visual concept for the all three
Tendrik received an award for Best Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency – Bulgaria of Technology Innovator Awards 2020 hosted by Corporate Vision magazine. What are the Technology Innovator Award 2020? Technology
Продажбата на матраци и продукти за спалнята е една от висококонкурентните пазарни ниши, в която, за да се отличите и да бъдете сред водещите играчи,
Работата в екип често може да бъде предизвикателна. Все пак в един офис са събрани множество различни хора, всеки със своя характер, окачвания и поведение.
Кои са най-честите проблеми на онлайн купувачите? Потребителите все по-често пазаруват онлайн, но освен по-изгодната цена на стоките, качеството на обслужване и доставката стават все
From point A to point B with euShipments by InOut Successful delivery means to understand how to get your package from point A to point
Tendrik is an international digital agency offering comprehensive branding and marketing services for your business. Our team includes dozens of experienced, knowledgeable and motivated professionals with skills in business strategy, marketing, design, web development, PPC, SEO and copywriting. Our expertise and breadth of knowledge are just what you need to reach your goals and help your dreams come true.
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