Search Engine Optimization

Why do you need SEO for your website?

Search Engine Optimization aims to rank your site among the first results in a search engine results page (SERP) for certain relevant queries. This helps potential clients discover your products or services at the exact time when they need them. This contributes to increasing your organic traffic, your potential customer base and ultimately – your sales.

SEO is a powerful tool, because it drives quality traffic to your website. Our experienced team can offer you a mix of time-tested strategies and current tactics, in order to rank your business among the first page results. This complex marketing approach will support all your marketing efforts in the long run. SEO can help lower advertising costs, improve your brand image and user experience, thus helping you gain competitive advantage.


Content analysis and copywriting

Content, which is created around appropriate keywords, is fundamental for the success of SEO. Our team can analyze your current website content and give you suggestions how it can be improved, in order to engage your audience more. Great copywriting creates content, which both customers and search engines love.

Link building

This is a process aiming to acquire hyperlinks in external web pages, which lead to your website. Despite the multiple changes of search engine algorithms, backlinks remain one of the top ways of measuring popularity and authority, which makes them essential if you want to appear among the top positions of SERPs. In order to reach your goals, you need a great link building strategy. The Tendrik team can create and implement it for you!

Local SEO

Some of the most popular keywords are related to the customer’s location. Local SEO is extremely important if your business has brick-and-mortar stores or offices. This branch of optimization focuses on finding clients in a specific geographic location.

User experience analysis

UX plays an important role in SEO. Both site visitors and search engines prefer sites with intuitive design that are engaging and easy to navigate. We will analyze your website thoroughly, in order to find all elements which can be improved. Then we will suggest a plan on how to implement the changes in the best way possible.



First we conduct a thorough analysis of your industry, competition and website, in order to evaluate what improvements need to be made.

Building a strategy

On the basis of our analysis we build an SEO strategy. We prioritize “low-hanging fruit” – easy tasks which yield good results, and then plan for the more complex tasks, which need to be completed.

Implementation and improvement

Finally, we start implementing the SEO strategy. We monitor the success of your website continuously and readjust the strategy – if needed.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization is a method for organically improving the ranking of your website, so it can appear in the top results of a search engine results page. Though the exact algorithm search engines use remains a well-guarded secret, it is known that things, such as page loading speed, website structure and design, and keywords influence your rankings.

How does SEO work?

Google uses over 200 factors, in order to rank sites for certain queries according to their relevance and authority. In order for SEO to be successful, your site needs to become an accurate and reliable source of information.

Does my business need SEO?

Yes, every business should invest in SEO. Optimizing your site is a long-term strategy, which allows you to increase your traffic, without increasing your advertising budget. A well-positioned website means more visitors, more clients and sales. SEO is suitable for every business – big or small.

How much do SEO services cost?

The answer to this question depends on a multitude of factors. Contact our team and we will give you an offer, which is suited to your specific needs.

How much time does it take for my site to appear among the top positions?

There is no exact answer to this question, because ranking depends both on your content, and the strategy of your competitors. Usually it takes between 6 and 12 months to start seeing the results of your SEO efforts.

Why choose the services of Tendrik?

Our Google-certified team has rich experience in SEO and our portfolio of happy clients is constantly increasing. Through the years we have developed a deep understanding of search engine algorithms. On this foundation we have developed strategies and protocols, which achieve results. They are in line with the newest market trends and help our customers to reach the desired results. We provide a great service at affordable prices.

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