Tendrik is a Clutch Leader
Tendrik Has Won Clutch Leader Award for Top Advertising & Marketing Agencies in Eastern Europe Tendrik was officially featured by Clutch as a Top Digital
Web development
Marketing and Advertising
Branding and Strategy
Tendrik Has Won Clutch Leader Award for Top Advertising & Marketing Agencies in Eastern Europe Tendrik was officially featured by Clutch as a Top Digital
Search Engine Optimization, better known as SEO, is a leading factor in the appearance of your website in search engines and is an important strategy
So-called SEO tools are designed to analyze, optimize and improve the visibility of your website when it is searched for specific keywords in each search
On 25th of August our partner Smart Payment is organizing a free Virtual Summit “Automatic Marketing Funnel 2.0. How to Accelerate and Grow Your Lead Funnels Using
В свят, в който глобалното криптовалутно общество продължава да расте все повече и повече с всеки изминал ден, едва ли е възможно някой да не
In line with our busy everyday life, online businesses are growing faster and massively. For the past 10 years, Internet users have preferred to shop,
В синхрон със забързаното ни ежедневие, онлайн бизнесите се размножават все по-бързо и масово. Последните 10 години интернет потребителите предпочитат да пазаруват, рекламират и общуват
As the global crypto community continues to grow with each passing day, it is almost impossible for one to not have heard the phrase “blockchain”.
In today’s rapidly evolving world, the digital ninjas are facing lots of daily challenges. If you want to create a qualitative analysis of a site
В днешния бързо развиващ се свят, дигиталните нинджи са изправени пред множество дневни предизвикателства. От голямо значение за създаването на качествен анализ на един сайт,
Tendrik is an international digital agency offering comprehensive branding and marketing services for your business. Our team includes dozens of experienced, knowledgeable and motivated professionals with skills in business strategy, marketing, design, web development, PPC, SEO and copywriting. Our expertise and breadth of knowledge are just what you need to reach your goals and help your dreams come true.
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Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Office Bulgaria:
Sofia, Bulgaria
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